To make an urgent referral please call 01254 695376

For none urgent referrals please use the make a referral button below and one of our dedicated team will help you with your referral and any questions that you may have.

Following this, a professional assessment will be arranged and facilitated within 48 hours.

Our step by step guide can be found at the bottom of the page.

Referral steps for planned transfer of care

Step 01

Referral made to White Pearl Care on

01254 695376

Step 02

Assessment will be arranged and facilitated within 48 hours of receipt of referral.

Step 03

Feedback will be provided on whether our service can meet the needs of the individual.

Step 04

Assessment pack formulated including care plans and funding information.

Step 05

Flexible transfer of care to meet the needs of the individual will be agreed with the referring team following confirmation of acceptance of placement.

Step 06

Funding agreement to be agreed prior to transfer of care being facilitated.