Typically today, the options for responding to crises are limited: many individuals are sectioned under the Mental Health Act (MHA) and are placed on a hospital ward, an acute psychiatric ward, or at other similar services. This is wholly inappropriate for most situations and the service received does not meet the needs of adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. Institutionalisation should be a last resort.

Our 12 week assessment service are designed for short term placements, for supported people whose home environment or placement is at risk of collapse. The service introduces Positive Behavioural Support, and associated psychology strategies, all without the requirement for a section under the MHA, eliminating the risk of “institutionalisation” under a hospital regime. It is designed to bring the individuals behaviours back to baseline, within a twelve-week period.

During this period, within the care pathway, we work with families and social services to determine the most appropriate therapies and living arrangement’s.

This means the supported person can move on from this intensive setting and into a supported living setting or back to their family home, as quickly as possible.