Supported Living Services at
White Pearl House

White Pearl House provides spacious quality en-suite accommodation for up to 5 gentlemen. We provide a person-centered approach to facilitate safe and effective care and treatment for individuals in our care with behaviours that may challenge.

White Pearl Care works closely with ASD services and provides training, support, and guidance to ensure our team of support staff develops and maintains knowledge to deliver the best possible care and treatment.

Our person-centered care model is designed to provide a personalised and dynamic treatment plan for each individual in our care. In doing so, we have considered input from family members, caregivers, professionals, and regulatory bodies. 

We actively monitor service user engagement levels and manage their records as well as assess progress in order to formulate an effective support effort tailored specifically towards an individual’s needs.

This ensures the delivery of high-quality and inclusive care that is continually evaluated through robust operational and clinical governance frameworks.


At White Pearl Care, we believe in a holistic approach to care.

This means that medications will be reviewed by the appropriate professionals at the earliest opportunity to ensure care is in line with STOMP (Stopping The Over Medication of People with a learning disability, autism, or both).

Individuals in our care will have a number of assessments encompassing many aspects of their lives. This allows our team to tailor support and make necessary changes to treatment to deliver meaningful outcomes and lasting results.